Well, it depends on what people want!
Bringing up and answering questions on the fly
No digression is too strange, nothing is too simple to ask a question about
Some sessions will be targeted at different skill levels.
AKA, making none of the people happy some of the time
Please email me comments to help improve this. I'll put up an anonymous survey by the next time we gather.
Think of it like a history
that reads your mind?
"Fasd offers quick access to files and directories for POSIX shells. Fasd keeps track of files and directories you have accessed, so that you can quickly reference them in the command line."
"The name fasd comes from the default suggested aliases f(files), a(files/directories), s(show/search/select), d(directories)."
is really the only way to see the power
"o" to open:
alias o='a -e xdg-open'
alias o='a -e open'
alias o='a -e start'
editor: alias e='f -e vim'
(and it can also integrate with spotlight's "recently opened" list or other editors)
cat `f something`
or cp `f results csv` `d psy tmp`
careful... why?
Goal: You'll jump in the pool, and be able to search your way out of trouble!
Experts can now run away...
?I wanted to make this interactive, but I'm not sure how much time we're going to have at this point.
If you did learn how to SSH in, great! SSH to a login server. Let's try a few things as we go.
List stuff in cwd
cwd? pwd?
ls dirname
List stuff in a directory
ls -alrt
any guesses?
List All (Long) details, Reverse Time order
cd dirname
Go into a directory
what does cd stand for?
cd ..
Go up to the parent directory
what is . then?
mkdir name
Make a new directory
Show a whole file
Scroll through a file
Show top/bottom lines
store value in $a
y $a
run y, passing value in a
export a
put a in shell context for child processes
x | y
pipe output of x to program y
y `x`
like getting the result of running x and then pasting it as parameters to y
x > file
pipe output of x to file, starting fresh
x >> file
pipe output of x to file, appending
stop job
background job
foreground job
command &
start job in background
List all processes
List all processes, but constantly updating
Kill off a process (or send a signal)
I'll show mine but it's a mess
alias x='long command'
shorten your typing!
any ideas for shortening?
alias ..='cd ..'
list commands
run the numbered command
re-run the last command
!! param
any guesses what this does?
re-run the last command changing the last
parameter to param
run an arbitrary command every N seconds
tail -f
watch a file as it is appended
keep a session going
thanks for your patience as I figure out how to host these